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Further education

BP 2024 Online
WTF 2023 Online
BP 2023 Online
WTF 2022 Online
BP 2022 Online
Translating clinical studies 2022
Medical Terminology 2022
Translating Life Sciences 2021
Easy (German) language 2021
BP 2021 Online
BP Workshop Week 2020
BP 2020 Online
ATA GLD WS Erfurt 2020
BP 2019 Bologna
ÜB-Seminar Ysper 2018
BP 2018 Vienna
ATA GLD WS Berlin 2018
BP 2017 Budapest
ATA GLD WS Munich 2016
ÜB-Seminar Ysper 2016
BP 2015 Zagreb
BP 2014 Budapest
Proz.com Conf. Barcelona 2012
ÜB-Seminar Ysper 2011
Proz.com Conf. Prag 2010
ÜB-Seminar Ysper 2009
Proz.com Conf. Vienna 2009
Proz.com Conf. Budapest 2007
Proz.com Conf. Berlin 2006


Specialized texts

Many thanks for the timely delivery!  My colleague from product management has already read them and noted that they are very good. Thank you again for the excellent quality of the translations as always.
Mag.(FH) Daniela Baier, Marketing Assistant, Respiratory & Monitoring Solutions, COVIDIEN Austria GmbH

In my subject area, it is important to have a translation partner who does not just translate perfectly “word for word” but who can also transfer the “play with words” into other languages. This is why I like working with Ursula Derx and her team.
mayer.text.concept, Hadmar Charley Mayer, Freelance author, texter, conceptionist

I would like to thank you for the work you’ve done… you’ve worked promptly, reliably, and well!
Dr. Martin Spatz, ratiopharm Arzneimittel Vertriebs-GmbH

Thank you very much for the super-prompt delivery. I’ve already sent it “out into the world“.
Beatrix Gamsjäger, SOS Kinderdorf International


… in some cases it was difficult to find a German equivalent for expressions from Tibetan medicine or to define a correct translation. Although there are already a few works available…there is a lot of research to be done in this area.
From the foreword by Florian Ploberger, Editor of „Grundlagen der Tibetischen Medizin“, translation from the English by Mag. Ursula Derx and Dr. med. univ., B. Ac. Florian Ploberger, Bacopa Verlag, 2007

… not many people will read the book in one sitting – but it’s not intended for this. But there will be only a few who, having arrived at the end of the last unread chapter, will not be sorry that there aren’t yet any more chapters.
Peter Markl in a review in the Wiener Zeitung, January 21, 2000 (Max Perutz: Ich hätte Sie schon früher ärgern sollen. Translated by Ursula Derx. Verlag Brüder Hollinek, Purkersdorf, 1999)

Who are my customers?

Besides working for translation and advertising agencies as well as international medical consultancy companies I have done many translations for the following clients, among others:
ATR-Productions, Bacopa Verlag, Boehringer Ingelheim, TEVA ratiopharm, Verlag Brüder Hollinek and many others.